Control4 Case Study
Read how Control4 found their way to test automation success with Ranorex Studio.
- Robust test automation of applications written in FLEX, FLASH, ASP .NET, Java, and WinForms
- Handling of dynamic Flex Advanced Data Grids
- Flexibility to combine functional tests with non UI tests (.NET Web Services)
Control4 is familiar with numerous technologies that help make up their product portfolio. As a Company, we are also aware of the difficulty in finding a tool to aid in the automated testing with such a broad spectrum of technologies. We had the need to support applications written in FLEX, FLASH, ASP .NET, Java, and Winforms. Prior to using Ranorex, we experimented with Rational Functional Tester and FlexMonkey. Rational Functional Tester had the ability to support Java and .Net, but it always worked best with Java. Furthermore, Rational Functional Tester didn’t support Winforms and the object map ALWAYS changed and seemed really unstable. Tests written with Rational Functional Tester always required a lot of maintenance. Next, we had FlexMonkey to support the automated testing of our Flex Applications. The problem we had with the FlexMonkey framework is that it had poor object recognition support. We could never fully test Advanced Data Grids because of the lack of object support. The problem is, our Flex application heavily used Advanced Data Grids. With this lack of support, we were forced to look for other automated testing framework options.
Customer Profile
Control4 is a leading provider of operating systems for smart homes, delivering intelligent control over consumer electronic products, appliances and networking systems through an easy-to-use and intuitive software interface. With the most intelligent, open and affordable control solution on the market, Control4 is now the platform of choice for major consumer electronics companies, residential homes, businesses and utilities. For more information, please visit the Control4 website.
This brought us to Ranorex. When initially evaluating Ranorex, we were impressed with the broad range of technologies it boasted to support, and the ease in which the object map could be maintained. Being able to use the RanoreXpath to build highly dynamic and bullet proof objects was the main selling point.
Another great point is that we could use a real and very known language to test all the applications written in various technologies. We love the power of being able to write everything by hand using C#. Using this language to test the various technologies has helped us standardize our libraries and processes. It has support for WinForms, Flash, Flex, ASP.Net, Java, and even QT. During the evaluation we found that Ranorex had full support for Advanced Data Grids. Better yet, our Flex applications ran against .NET Web Services. Using the C# language (native to Ranorex), we were able to have useful tests automated within an hour or two.
Although the SharpDevelop IDE (which Ranorex uses) is not perfect, we found that the IDE was more than what we needed for our software development. It was nice not to have to purchase a copy of Visual Studio.
While testing WinForms applications, we have been able to track items on various dialogs much more accurately than with other products. The tracking paths (RanoreXpath) have greatly assisted with being able to test multiple builds without changes to the Ranorex code. In Rational Functional Tester and FlexMonkey, the objects were NEVER as stable as they are in Ranorex. The last point I wanted to make is that it is always difficult to get the right reporting structure in some of these frameworks. Before Ranorex 3.0, this was still the case. However, with Ranorex 3.0 it has been taken up a notch. The addition of a Test Case Manager integrated with Reporting is what we have needed for years. With the new Test Case Manager, it is very easy to visualize how our testing needs to be structured and coded. This was something that was a struggle in the past. Better yet, based on that structure defined in the Test Case Manager, we get clear and complete reporting! We can’t wait to see what’s next!
In short, Ranorex brought broad support to help with our various technologies and strong object support which made stronger tests with less maintenance, and has helped standardize our processes and libraries across our QA organization.
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