Problem with li tagged object

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Problem with li tagged object

Post by rastek » Mon Dec 29, 2014 8:41 pm

I can not modify to recognize a li tag that I dont know its order.

I have objects inside li tag, and some objects li tag changes by its order.

I mean same object can be in another li next time.

Renroex record li tag its id, such as #my0, #my1 or #my1

and when I try some inner object by using upper li tag by id, for any li starting with my such as @id>my

it doesnt work, as it works some other objects.

Anyone can help me for this ?


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Re: Problem with li tagged object

Post by Support Team » Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:41 pm

Hi Rastek,

Could you try to use a RxPath like the following one: "dom[...]/.../li/yourElement"?
The weird thing is that the one with the "@id>my" should theoretically also work since all the li tag ids start with "my".
Could you please post a Ranorex snapshot file of your li tags or some screenshots to outline the issue in detail?
This will hopefully help us to better analyze the issue.
