Test Module Descriptions in the Test Suite

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Test Module Descriptions in the Test Suite

Post by AccidentReport » Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:48 pm

I am trying to be complete when building my tests and so I'm adding comments to all the actions in the modules so I know (and others will know) what each step is supposed to be doing so when I come back to something 6 months down the line I know what I did and why.

I am now doing the same on the Test Cases themselves. In the Test Suite there is a field called Description which, obviously, is where I am putting a simple description of what that module/test case is doing. However these Descriptions are unique to that instance of a module and in no way linked to it.

For example, I have a test case with a test module called "Start_Main_App" in my test suite. This module then has a description "Starts the Main Test App using default settings". The thing is, if I build another test case and drag this module in from the module browser the description is blank. Can you add a description to a module in such a way that any time ANY instance of that is used it automatically has a description there? If not I'm going to be copying and pasting a lot!? :roll:

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Re: Test Module Descriptions in the Test Suite

Post by Swisside » Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:07 pm

I didn't find a way to do what you want but if you copy a test case or a module that has a description then if you paste it you still have the description.

I know it's not what you want but it's better than having to copy paste the description :D

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Re: Test Module Descriptions in the Test Suite

Post by krstcs » Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:12 pm

I actually name my test modules in a way that they are easy to understand what they do. But I also limit the modules to only doing the smallest set of actions necessary to accomplish a given, atomic action.

So, for example, if I want to click on the OK button, I have a module called "Click_OKButton". That is all the module does.

If I want to enter text in the username field, I have a module called "Enter_UserName" that takes "UserName" as a variable, clicks the UserName text field, does a "Ctrl-A" and "Del", then enters the variable's text and validates it.

However, I do agree, there should be a way to put a default "Description" on a test module. Perhaps a property or a comment tag.

Ranorex Support, can we add a feature request for this?
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Re: Test Module Descriptions in the Test Suite

Post by AccidentReport » Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:48 pm

I also try to name my modules in a way that makes sense, and doing as few actions as possible in order to make them easily reusable. Within the modules I have commented on each step so anyone should understand what it is doing and I'm just really using the module description on the test Suite as an overview. I can't break down the tests much more though and still be sensible.

In your example you say you have a module called "Enter_UserName". I have a module called "Login" which functions pretty much the same but also inputs the password at the same time and submits. I can't break it down further as you have as "Enter_UserName" would be too confusing as a module given that within the application you can create, modify and filter user names on various pages, as well as adding using to groups and who knows what else. "Enter_UserName" wouldn't be clear enough as to what username and where for me.

Since this can't seemingly be done I'll have to second the call - Ranorex Support, can we add a feature request for this?

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Re: Test Module Descriptions in the Test Suite

Post by krstcs » Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:29 pm

You can break it up farther though.

One way is to make an "Enter_UserName_LOGIN" module and an "Enter_Password_LOGIN" module.

Or you can make a folder in your project that is "Login" and have the "Enter_Username" and "Enter_Password" under that. Then, when you add those modules to the test suite they will show "Enter_Username (Login)" and "Enter_Password (Login)" since Ranorex will append the folder of the module to the module name in the suite.

You would then be able to have other modules called "Enter_Username" under other folders, such as "Search", thus keeping them recognizable as different functions.

Finally, you can also make a Module Group called "Login_User" that has these two modules in it and map the variables so that if someone wants to add user login to a test, they can just use the group instead of adding both modules every time.
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