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ReportEnvironment.GetDependentFiles() crashs on Win10

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 3:35 pm
by bkruse

this Ranorex 4 application was running fine on Windows 7. Compiled also on Win7.
We use our own Logging-class, which implements IReportLogger.

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bekannt gemacht wurde.

The same application basically works on a new machine (Win 10). But it crashes on this call:

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IList<String> reportFiles = TestReport.ReportEnvironment.GetDependentFiles();
Unbehandelte Ausnahme: System.MissingMethodException: Methode nicht gefunden: "System.Collections.Generic.IList`1<System.String> Ranorex.Core.Reporting.ReportEnvironment.GetDependentFiles()".
bei ButlerProGlobal.Utility.moveLog()
bei Butler_PRO_Testsuite.Program.Main(String[] args) in c:\svn\PRO_Ranorex4_next\Butler PRO Testsuite\Butler PRO Testsuite\Program.cs:Zeile 76.
Ranorex 4 is old, correct.
Also interesting, that compiling it using Win10, it works fine. No exception.

Is there something we can do to make it work on Win10 using Win7 for compilation?

Viele Grüße,

Re: ReportEnvironment.GetDependentFiles() crashs on Win10

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 3:43 pm
by krstcs
Please post in English. Even though Ranorex is an Austrian company, they manage the forums in English only, and ask that we only post in English so everyone can understand.

Also, Ranorex 4.X.X is no longer supported (and hasn't been for a VERY long time). Please updated to a current version (7.0.1 and 6.2.1 are currently supported) and try again. You can use the Trial version if needed to check if your functionality is working in the new version and then you will have your answer.

Re: ReportEnvironment.GetDependentFiles() crashs on Win10

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 4:03 pm
by bkruse
You are right, sorry. Corrected.
As you cannot install Ranorex 4 and 7 besides, we did not try this yet.
Will force this and report again if still persists.

Thanks and Bests, Björn