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Parsing t hrough tree items using vbscript

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 8:18 am
How to access the elements under a treeitem using vbscript. Also need to know how to store similar type of objects using vbscript.

Re: Parsing t hrough tree items using vbscript

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 9:28 am
by odklizec

At first, please upload a Ranorex snapshot (NOT screenshot) of the problematic tree element. Screenshot is unfortunately useless. Then please describe in more details, what exactly do you want to achieve? I'm not sure what you mean by "storing similar type of objects using vbscript"? Thanks.

BTW, Ranorex does not support VBScript, but VB .Net. This is, I believe a huge difference?

Re: Parsing through tree items using

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 8:19 pm
The xpath to see the element is:
/form[@name~'^Prose\ \(DELPHIX\)\ -\ \(1\.0\.12']/container[@automationid='BarManagerbar']/container[@automationid='MyDockLayoutManagerRegion']//container[@automationid='LayoutPanel_LayoutPanel(47299748)']//container[@automationid='dockMgr']/?/?/container[@automationid='BlotterLayoutGroup']/container[@automationid='GridView']/?/?/container[@automationid='BarManagerbarManager0']//treeitem[@name~'^\[Worksheet]WorksheetID::7']

Under the tree item there are many elements present. I want to click on to the check box to be precise. So I exactly want to know how do I do some operation on the elements under a TreeItem.

My another question is lets say in a container there are 10 checkboxes. How do I parse through all the checkboxes or I click on the checkbox using indexing using How do I store all the checkboxes like in C# we use List so in what is the data structure used.


Re: Parsing t hrough tree items using vbscript

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:14 am
by odklizec

Thanks for the snapshot. Let's start with the bad news...

The checkboxes you want to click, does not appear to be available/visible for Ranorex. At least they are not available in the snapshot. Are you able to track the individual grid checkboxes with spy?

At next, you are using obsolete Ranorex version 8.2.0. Please update Ranorex with most recent 8.3.1 and try it again. There were many changes and fixes introduced between 8.20 and 8.3.1. It's better to use most recent version instead of debugging the problem on an already obsolete version ;)

As for the list of checkboxes, I would suggest you to check this sample code, describing how to create a list of adapters (there is both VB .Net and C# code): ... oryelement
But as mentioned, the checkboxes you are looking for, are not available in snapshot and therefore, you may be unlucky to get the list of them.

Basically, the grid in question is implemented without automation/accessibility in mind and therefore, Ranorex (most probably any test automation tool) is unable to obtain certain elements in the grid. What kind of GUI technology is behind the grid?

Re: Parsing t hrough tree items using vbscript

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:27 am
by odklizec
OK, slight correction ;) Event though Ranorex does not identify exactly the checkboxes, it still sees the grid cells and those with checkboxes seem have attributes, which could help you to identify a cell with checkbox.

For example, this xpath identifies all cells with checked and unchecked checkboxes:
/form[@name~'^Prose\ \(DELPHIX\)\ -\ \(1\.0\.12']/container[@automationid='BarManagerbar']/container[@automationid='MyDockLayoutManagerRegion']//container[@automationid='LayoutPanel_LayoutPanel(47299748)']//container[@automationid='dockMgr']/?/?/container[@automationid='BlotterLayoutGroup']/container[@automationid='GridView']/?/?/container[@automationid='BarManagerbarManager0']/?/?//tree[@automationid='grd']/container[@automationid='dataPresenter']//element[@uiautomationvaluevalue='Unchecked' or @uiautomationvaluevalue='Checked']
But because some of them are invisible (and therefore not clickable), I would add 'visible' attribute at the end of xpath:
/form[@name~'^Prose\ \(DELPHIX\)\ -\ \(1\.0\.12']/container[@automationid='BarManagerbar']/container[@automationid='MyDockLayoutManagerRegion']//container[@automationid='LayoutPanel_LayoutPanel(47299748)']//container[@automationid='dockMgr']/?/?/container[@automationid='BlotterLayoutGroup']/container[@automationid='GridView']/?/?/container[@automationid='BarManagerbarManager0']/?/?//tree[@automationid='grd']/container[@automationid='dataPresenter']//element[@uiautomationvaluevalue='Unchecked' or @uiautomationvaluevalue='Checked'][@visible='true']
If you want to identify a checkbox, belonging to certain treeitem, you can use something like this:
/form[@name~'^Prose\ \(DELPHIX\)\ -\ \(1\.0\.12']/container[@automationid='BarManagerbar']/container[@automationid='MyDockLayoutManagerRegion']//container[@automationid='LayoutPanel_LayoutPanel(47299748)']//container[@automationid='dockMgr']/?/?/container[@automationid='BlotterLayoutGroup']/container[@automationid='GridView']/?/?/container[@automationid='BarManagerbarManager0']/?/?//tree[@automationid='grd']/container[@automationid='dataPresenter']/treeitem[@name~'US Large Cap Equity']//element[@uiautomationvaluevalue='Unchecked' or @uiautomationvaluevalue='Checked']
But once again, if the xpath returns an invisible (hidden) element, you may not be able to click it without making it visible (e.g. using EnsureVisible).