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Reading data from Excel

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:36 am
by dal

I am using the following code to read value from an Excel Sheet. The probelm is whenever this function is getting called the new EXCEL.EXE is getting added in Task Manager. Its not killing the earlier Excel Processes.

Can you please suggest me what would be the change I need to make in my code?

Code: Select all

Public Shared Function ExcelRead (ByVal ExcelPath As String, ByVal SheetName As String, ByVal RowNo As Integer, ByVal ColumnName As String, ByRef CellValue As String) As String
	Dim xcApp As New Excel.Application
	Dim xcWB As Excel.Workbook = xcApp.Workbooks.Open(ExcelPath)
	Dim xcWS As Excel.Worksheet = CType(xcWB.Worksheets(SheetName), Excel.Worksheet)
	Dim xcRange As Excel.Range
	Dim columnCount As Integer
		xcRange = xcWS.UsedRange
		For columnCount = 1 To xcRange.Columns.Count
		                Dim cellData As String
			xcRange = xcWS.Cells(1, columnCount)
			cellData = xcRange.Text
					If cellData = ColumnName Then
						Exit For
					End If
				xcRange = xcWS.Cells(RowNo,columnCount)
				CellValue = xcRange.Text
			Catch e As Exception
				Return Nothing
				Report.Error("Reading the Data from Excel Sheet - Unexpected Exception Occured"+ e.ToString())
			End Try
			Return CellValue
                'clean up
	xcRange = Nothing
	xcWS = Nothing
	xcWB = Nothing
	xcApp = Nothing
End Function

Re: Reading data from Excel

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:09 pm
by Support Team

We have an own Excel Plug-In which supports the access for the worksheets and cells. Therefore please take a look to following blog ... or-ranorex

Ranorex Team

Re: Reading data from Excel

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:16 pm
by dal
Yes I have gone through the Blog...

Can you provide some sample code to retrive the data from an Excel Sheet located in C:// Drive.

Bit struggling to understand the Adaptors provided for Excel.


Re: Reading data from Excel

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:26 pm
by Support Team
Hi Dal,

I think you should place your return "string" after the clean up section, because at the moment the clean up section will never executed.

Ranorex Team

Re: Reading data from Excel

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 12:43 pm
by atom
For excel 2003 documents we use a library called NPOI (
It has the advantage of reading binary .xls documents - without starting Excel process

Re: Reading data from Excel

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:40 am
by dal
Yes it was my mistake by placing the return statement on top of the clean up. I thought the return variable might loss the data after the clean up.

Its working fine by placing it after the clean up.
