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reversed foreach loop

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:09 pm
by odklizec
Hi folks,

Any idea how can I do reversed foreach loop? I have a code like this...
foreach (Ranorex.TabPage tab in tabPageList)
				Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, "Mouse", "Mouse Left Click item 'LB.TabPage' at .462;.462.", repo.LB.TabPageInfo);
				tab.Click(new Location(TabPage_Screenshot1, "Center", TabPage_Screenshot1_Options));
Basically, the code enumerates available "tabs" in program, click each tab (to make its [x] button visible), take a screenshot and click the tab's [x] button. And here comes the problem.

If the foreach loop is done in a normal order (1, 2, ....n), the tabs are closed but not all of them, because the tabPageList Count is not decreased. So I soon have less tabs, than is the initial count of all tabs and the actual loop index does not match with actual tab index. This is why I need to start closing the tabs in reversed order (5, 4,...1).

I tried to use this code (found about "Reverse" via google):
foreach (Ranorex.TabPage tab in tabPageList.Reverse())
But it seems it does not work. Any idea how to make the "Reverse" working?

Sorry for a silly question, I'm a C# noob ;)

Re: reversed foreach loop

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:47 am
by odklizec
OK, problem solved. Instead of foreach loop I used "for" loop...
for(int i=tabPageList.Count-1; i >= 0; i--)
                    Ranorex.TabPage tab = tabPageList;
                    Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, "Mouse", "Mouse Left Click item 'LB.TabPage' at .462;.462.", repo.LB.TabPageInfo);  
                    tab.Click(new Location(TabPage_Screenshot1, "Center", TabPage_Screenshot1_Options));  

Anyway, it would be interesting to know how to do the reversed foreach loop. Any idea how to do this?

Re: reversed foreach loop

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:32 am
by Support Team

Additionally you could also use the "Reverse" as follows:
foreach (Ranorex.TabPage tab in tabPageList)  
                Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, "Mouse", "Mouse Left Click item 'LB.TabPage' at .462;.462.",   repo.LB.TabPageInfo);  
                tab.Click(new Location(TabPage_Screenshot1, "Center", TabPage_Screenshot1_Options));  
on the following page is also a small example where you can see how the Reverse works: Reverse.

Kind regards,

Re: reversed foreach loop

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:39 pm
by odklizec
Hi Markus,

Thanks for the reply and hint! Silly me, why I haven't thought of using tabPageList.Reverse() on a separate row? At least I now know two ways to achieve the same result ;)

Re: reversed foreach loop

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:02 am
by odklizec
Hi again Markus,

I'm afraid, your suggestion does not work in my code module. I used the "Reverse" code as per your suggestion and this is what I've got...
'System.Collections.Generic.IList<Ranorex.TabPage>' does not contain a definition for 'Reverse' and no extension method 'Reverse' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList<Ranorex.TabPage>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) (CS1061) - C:\Documents and Settings\Tester\My Documents\Ranorex\RanorexStudio Projects\xSpector\xSpector\Recordings\HandleMultipleTabs.UserCode.cs:41,17
The thing is that the "Reverse" keyword is not displayed in the the code completion combo...
It works OK in the MSDN example you pointed me to. Looking in MSDN I found that the IList does not support the Reverse method. So, the question is, how to use "List" instead of IList?

Here is the entire tab handling module:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Threading;
using WinForms = System.Windows.Forms;

using Ranorex;
using Ranorex.Core;
using Ranorex.Core.Testing;

namespace xSpector.Recordings
    public partial class HandleMultipleTabs
        private void Init()
            // Your recording specific initialization code goes here.
        public void Close_All_Tabs()
		IList<Ranorex.TabPage> tabPageList = repo.LiteBox3d.TabPage.Find<Ranorex.TabPage>("/form[@title~'^LiteBox3D' and @processname='LiteBox3D']/*/*/*/tabpagelist/tabpage");
		if (tabPageList.Count > 1)
				foreach (Ranorex.TabPage tab in tabPageList)
	            	Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, "Mouse", "Mouse Left Click item 'LiteBox3d.TabPage' at .462;.462.", repo.LiteBox3d.TabPageInfo);
					tab.Click(new Location(TabPage_Screenshot1, "Center", TabPage_Screenshot1_Options));
        #region Image Feature Data
        CompressedImage TabPage_Screenshot1
        { get { return repo.LiteBox3d.TabPageInfo.GetScreenshot1(new Rectangle(1, 0, 13, 13)); } }

        Imaging.FindOptions TabPage_Screenshot1_Options
        { get { return Imaging.FindOptions.Parse("0.95;EdgesSobel;0,0,0,0;True;10000000;0ms"); } }


Re: reversed foreach loop

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:54 am
by Support Team

This is because the "IList" interface doesn't provide such a method.
The Reverse() is a method of the "List" class, therefore it is necessary to convert the IList to a "normal" List in order to access the Reverse method.
For instance:
IList<Ranorex.TabPage> tabPageList = repo.LiteBox3d.TabPage.Find<Ranorex.TabPage>("/form[@title~'^LiteBox3D' and @processname='LiteBox3D']/*/*/*/tabpagelist/tabpage");  
List<Ranorex.TabPage> list = new List<Ranorex.TabPage>(tabPageList);
        if (list.Count > 1)  
Sorry, I should have mentioned it in my last post.


Re: reversed foreach loop

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:59 am
by odklizec
Hi Markus,

Thanks for the explanation. No need to apologize! I think I will stick with simple "For" loop as it works as expected and without the need of additional IList conversion ;)