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Text verification of text field within popup window

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:48 pm
by CRL85
Hi there,

Does anyone know how I can let Ranorex verify a text content of a specific field?
And does Ranorex record the field I've clicked or just the location of the cursor on the screen?

I've attached two images where I'd like Ranorex to verify specific text content but I just don't find the action to select and how to configure it.

Thanks a lot for any help!

attached ex. Ranorex_01.jpg
"Air pressure has passed the critical value." or ""
attached ex. Ranorex_02.jpg
"Operation error of the fridge device access module." or ""

Re: Text verification of text field within popup window

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:21 pm
by odklizec
Hi, do you use Recorder? If so, then while recording your test, press the "Validate" button, then select the field you would like to validate. For more details about validation check this article... ... rding.html

Ranorex always tries to record the clicked element and relative mouse coordinates (relative to the selected element). But if Ranorex is not able to recognize/select the element under the mouse (because of no or incorrect MSAA implementation), then it records relative mouse coordinates of the parent window.

Are you able to see and highlight the element in Ranorex Spy? Try this. In Ranorex Spy, press the Track button and then hover the mouse over the field you wish to record/validate. You should get red rectangle around the tracked element. If you use Record, exactly this element should be recorded.

If you are still in doubts, please create the Ranorex snapshot and upload it here.