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What does visible mean for Ranorex exactly

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 7:40 am
by James2
Visible in the context of UI-testautomation can mean two different things:

Visible anywhere on the website. You can see it immediately or after you scroll

Visible in the viewport, which means, that you can see the element without scrolling.

In the Ranorex documentation the definition isn't clear regarding this. So what is in Ranorex the exact definition for "visible"?

Re: What does visible mean for Ranorex exactly

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 9:54 am
by odklizec

Visible attribute means "visible in viewport". Sadly, in some UIs (typically Angular tables), the 'Visible' attribute returns True, even though the item is covered by some other parts of UI (e.g. table header). So yes, it's technically 'visible' in viewport, just not actually visible and therefore accessible for mouse clicks.