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Ranorex Spy 2.0 Preview - .Net DataGridView Cell

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:53 am
by Oom Koning
Following the Object Repo quick start example to click an imagecell in a .Net DataGridView control on a WinForms app, I received the following exception when calling 'public static Ranorex.Cell CellEdit__View_Row_32':

Error while searching for path '/form[@controlname='frmInvoiceList']/container/container[@controlname='contentPanel']/*/table/row[@accessiblename='Row 32']/cell[@accessiblename='Edit / View Row 32']'.

Has anyone tried using the Spy's generated code to test a datagridview?
Are there any examples that show how it works?

If we can use Ranorex to rigorously test our data-intensive UIs we'd very much like to become a customer.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:14 pm
by Support Team
Could you please post the Ranorex Preview version you are using (including the build number)? And could you specify the complete exception message?

It could be that the default search timeout is too small to retrieve the element. You can change the timeout manually in the generated code, it's the second parameter of the search method specified in milliseconds.

Ranorex Support Team