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Queries related to Ranorex Playback and resume

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:52 am
by Aster
Hi ,

I have couple of questions in Ranorex:-

1. How to add swipe gesture for screen & for partial screen like sliding menu?
2. How we can play recorded script from mid steps (means in the mid steps I may have relaunch the main screen of my app) ?
3. How we can resume recording for single test case after a set of actions have already recorded?

could anybody clarify them.


Re: Queries related to Ranorex Playback and resume

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:11 am
by odklizec

As for your second question, you can use "Run from here" command to run recording from a particular step. Just right click the action in recording, from which you want to start playback and from the appeared context menu select "Run from here". But keep in mind this will not work very well in case your recordings are dependent on data connectors! This command is good only for simple recordings. And I'm afraid, there is no such option for test cases or whole test suite. It's just for individual recordings.

I'm afraid, I can't help you with 1st question and I'm not quite sure what exactly you want to achieve in your 3rd question?

Re: Queries related to Ranorex Playback and resume

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:50 am
by Aster

Thanks for the response.

for second question : I know about "Run from here" option , but it will not start the script from where I want and it requires the application to be up and running which I dont want, I want each time the main screen to be made available whenever I play from the middle, just like similar to adding contacts to address this possible?

Regarding the first question I want to do a swipe operation based on my own criteria not with the default distance(which is 100 px ), swipe should happen based alphabetical order something like that sort.

Re: Queries related to Ranorex Playback and resume

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:01 am
by odklizec

Unless I misunderstood something, I don't think there is an out of the box solution to achieve what you want (regarding 2nd question). This is what there are Setup/Teardown sections in each Test Case (to set AUT/device to expected state). But these sections are used/available in case you start whole solution, not individual recording modules. So they are not useful for you as there is no way to start test cases from a particular recording step. So in my opinion, if you want to start a recording module playback from a particular step and you want to have the device in certain state, you will have to do this in the same recording module (somewhere at start) and then on-demand disable the steps in recording, you don't want to play. So the structure of your recording should look like this...
initial steps to setup device
steps you want to avoid - disable them
steps you want to run
But in my opinion, it's much better to run whole solution instead of messing with individual recordings and simply disable the test cases/recordings you don't want to run (to speed up debugging).

As for your 1st problem, I cannot help you with that because I have no experience with automating mobile apps. But I guess it should be possible to assign swipe action for any repository element?
EDIT: According to the user guide, swipe action must be added manually...
Swipe Gesture

This action can be used to simulate a swipe gesture on a given repository item. You can specify the direction and the distance as well as the swipe duration. The distance can either be specified in pixels or as a percentage relative to the repository item connected to the action. The swipe gesture can only be added manually, it will not be recorded. Additionally you can set the start location as well as the amount of swipe steps in the properties pane. The properties pane can be accessed by right-clicking the swipe action and choosing 'Properties' in the context menu.

Re: Queries related to Ranorex Playback and resume

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 7:34 am
by Aster
Thanks for the response.