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Run multiple Run Configurations from command line

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:03 pm
by CMeNot
I have created a suite using Ranorex 8.2.1 that has three run Configurations setup. when I call multiple run configuration on the command line only the last configuration appears to run. As an example given this command line:
"D:\VendorID\VendorID.exe /rc:RC_EditVendorIdentity /rc:RC_CreateVendor /rl:Info"
Ranorex only ran the RC_CreateVendor configuration. If I want to run more than one run configuration in a suite then do I have to use a script to run all the configurations requested via a loop or are my command line options not correct?

Re: Run multiple Run Configurations from command line

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:12 pm
by qwertzu
Hi CMeNot,

In my opinion it makes no sense to execute one test run with multiple run configurations...
A run configuration specifies what test cases should be executed in one test execution.
If you want to execute a test multiple times with different run configurations, you will have to really call the *.exe of your test multiple times and each time with a different configuration.

regards, qwertzu