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Sending and receiving email to and from the tested app

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:08 pm
by janmachac

I have been searching the Ranorex site, forums and internet in general but did not find any answer. Is there a tool or a function in Ranorex for sending and receiving emails (using smtp, pop3, IMAP, Exchange, whatever...)?

My goal is to test a web application that should send emails to a user when something happens and should react to user's emails when it receives one.

If there is no specific tool or function then: Is there a best practice for testing such a scenario?

Thanks for any advice.

Jan Machac

Re: Sending and receiving email to and from the tested app

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 7:38 am
by odklizec

If I understand you right, what you want is to perform some testing based of send/received emails? I'm afraid, this is something beyond Ranorex original purpose, which is GUI automated testing. However, because Ranorex studio is basically .Net 3.5 compatible dev. IDE, you can extend Ranorex tests with almost whatever you want via custom C# or VB .Net code. Which means you will have to find some code examples for sending/receiving emails and their processing and adapt them according your needs.

Re: Sending and receiving email to and from the tested app

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:07 pm
by janmachac
I was just hoping that someone needed this before so there is already some solution/best practice.

I will have to implement my own thing then.

Thanks anyway.

A zdravĂ­m na Slovensko ;-)