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TestSuite Documentation WIth Sandcastle

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:06 pm
by Vaughan.Douglas
I'm trying to create support documentation for a Ranorex Test Suite using Sandcastle, but I'm running into a couple of issues. I'm still very new to the tool and was hoping maybe someone from the community may have some experience doing something like this.

I'm using the Visual Studio integrated version of Sandcastle, but there is a stand alone option available too. My first issue is a warning that appears in Visual Studio saying it can't resolve a cref in an XML comment.
Which I believe may be leading to my second issue where Sandcastle says it can't resolve the reference to Ranorex.Core.
These images are from a fresh Ranorex solution I created for the express purpose of verifying the issue wasn't specific to the test suite I was attempting to document.

While Sandcastle's bread and butter is API documentation and Help files I see a great deal of potential in leveraging it as a means of communicating both the intent of a test suite and how to properly use it.

I'd appreciate guidance from anyone with experience using Sandcastle, but also input from anyone that might have different approach for accomplishing something similar.
