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data validation in data driven testing

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 12:49 am
by c676228
Hi Folks,

I am thinking about writing class library for validating data from data source before setting the value to data fields. For example, validate a cellvalue for a dropdown list is actually an available option in the dropdown. This applies to radio button/check box options too. I think using database storing option values won't make sense here.
I can always use the parent xpath and find either its children or descendants to make sure that the inntertext from one of the option values matches the cellValue from data source.

Can you guys provide some comments/ideas and suggestion for that?


Re: data validation in data driven testing

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 8:23 pm
by c676228
It seems it is not necessary to add data validation in data driven test, especially for optional value in a web element.
each variable(in RxPath) is bound to data source, if the value from data source doesn't match any of the optional values, RanorexException is thrown.