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instrumentation of keePass.apk fails

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 8:58 pm
by annnnn
The instrumentation of the demo keePass.apk is failing. Any suggestions for a fix would be great.

extra information:
-using windows 10
-Ranorex 6.1.1

Instrumentation failed. Error:
Failed to deploy the application via USB. pkg: /data/local/tmp/KeePassDroid-instrumented.apk


2869 KB/s (1903640 bytes in 0.647s)

Info: Exec: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_131\bin\java.exe -jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ranorex 6.1\Bin\RxEnv\Android\tools\apkTool\apktool.jar" d "C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\RanorexStudio6\RxEnv\Android\temp\KeePassDroid.apk" -f -o "C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\RANORE~1\RxEnv\Android\temp\decomp"
Info: Decompiling APK File.
Info: Processing file 'KeePass.smali' (Pass2).
Info: Processing file 'LockingActivity.smali' (Pass2).
Info: Processing file 'GroupActivityV3.smali' (Pass2).
Info: Processing file 'GroupActivityV4.smali' (Pass2).
Info: Processing file 'GroupEditActivity.smali' (Pass2).
Info: Processing file 'FileSelectActivity.smali' (Pass2).
Info: Processing file 'SearchResults.smali' (Pass2).
Info: Processing file 'AppSettingsActivity.smali' (Pass2).
Info: Recompiling APK File.
Info: Copying custom resources to instrumented APK...
Info: Signing APK File.
Info: Aligning APK File.
Info: Creating destination file in '\\corp-dc02\usersnew\name\Documents\Ranorex\InstrumentedApk\KeePassDroid-instrumented.apk'.
Info: Starting deployment via USB.

Re: instrumentation of keePass.apk fails

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 4:43 pm
by krstcs
Ranorex 6.1.1 is VERY old and no longer supported. Please update to a supported version (even the demo version) and try again. Currently 7.1.2 and 7.2.0 are supported. If that works, then you know the issue has been fixed and you need to upgrade. If not, then there are any number of other things it could be.

There have been several updates the the APK tools since 6.1.1.