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black bands over captured screenshots

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 4:00 pm
by fsiglia
hello there, I have a question regarding image recognition in Ranorex. What I'm trying to accomplish is a simple algorithm which is able to compare 2 images taken from the app screen view and tell if they match. As of now my solution works, but there is a subtle problem caused by Ranorex "take screenshot" function. When I take the screenshot of an AndroidElement, the image taken is filled with black bands (the attached image talks by himself), so that 2 technically identical images are not recognized as identical because the bands pattern is different. How can I avoid this behavior? Thanks for your time! ... 9sYBxfQdeJ

Re: black bands over captured screenshots

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:10 am
by odklizec

At first, what's your Ranorex version? The most recent is 8.2.1. If you are using something older, try to upgrade and check if the problem still exists? I guess you will have to re instrument your app with the most recent version as well.
At next, how exactly do you take the screenshot (please post the recording/code sample or even better, sample solution)?
Could you please post a Ranorex snapshot (not screenshot) of the problematic element (and element's xpath, as stored in repo)?

Re: black bands over captured screenshots

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 9:23 am
by fsiglia
I am using the latest Ranorex version available (8.2) in trial mode, as we are currently evaluating Ranorex in order to understand if it can fit into our workflow. As for the code sample, below is a snippet of my current solution:

Code: Select all

RxPath search_pattern = new RxPath(starting_element + "//");
IList<AndroidElement> android_elements = starting_element.Find<AndroidElement>(search_pattern , new Duration(10000) /* timeout msecs */);

IList<Bitmap> app_icons= new List<Bitmap>();
foreach (AndroidElement e in android_elements ) {
	string string_element= e.ToString();
        if (string_element.Contains("DragableContentViewRenderer")) { 
		app_icons.Add(Imaging.CaptureImage(e));	/* this is how I capture a .png image of the element */

I attached the requested snapshot of the element, which has the following RxPath:

/mobileapp[@title='com.mtsbyme']/form[@title='MainActivity']/androidelement[@rid='content']/container[@containertype='Relative']/androidelement/androidelement/androidelement[1]/androidelement/androidelement/androidelement[1]/androidelement[2]/androidelement[2]//container[@containertype='Relative']/androidelement[@rid='pager']/androidelement/androidelement/androidelement[1]/androidelement[@contentdescription='{ "title": "Modo\r\nassente", "state": "NotActive"}']/androidelement[3]/?/?/androidelement

finally, here is the difference beetween the icon as viewed from the Spy, and the icon taken as screenshot:
Thanks for your time and help.

Re: black bands over captured screenshots

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 9:44 am
by odklizec

The problem is, that the image with bands appears to be a part of the application? And the application also contains images without bands.
Additionally, the xpath you are using returns 3 elements and Ranorex always (in case of multiple returned elements) picks the first one!
And the code you are using is not specific enough, which Android elements exactly should be used? What images do you want to compare? Those with bands or without bands?

In case you want to take image without bands, add this platformclass at the end of xpath:
or this for image with bands:
Anyway, I would suggest to improve the xpath, because the way you are using it now, is pretty fragile and most likely to fail in near future (especially all these indexes). Something like this would be much more reliable:
BTW, regarding the black bands, have you tried to disable (uncheck) hidden screenshot capturing?...
This may not help with eliminating bands, but it's worth a try ;)

Re: black bands over captured screenshots

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:16 pm
by fsiglia
thanks for the response, I will take a look at it as soon as I finish other activities and let you know.

Re: black bands over captured screenshots

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:05 pm
by fsiglia
Here I am finally. I was able to overcome the problem by slightly changing my code. Instead of calling the Method "CaptureImage" to take a .png screenshot of the element, I call "CaptureImageHidden", which takes a clean image of the element, without black bands. Thanks for your support, was really appreciated!

Re: black bands over captured screenshots

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:09 pm
by odklizec

Thanks for sharing your solution. It's funny because it's exact opposite of what I thought could be the source of your problem (hidden screenshot capturing) ;)