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"Update" accessibilitylabel value

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 7:16 am
by SanMan
I have this repository element:

/mobileapp[@title='Android OS']//container[@rid='']/container[@rid='']/androidelement/container[@rid='']//container[@accessibilitylabel='Name']/form[1]/form[@accessibilitylabel='this_text']

Is there some command (refresh/update/...something) that I could use to update the @accessibilitylabel value?

Now when I run the test and capture screenshot (value is updated there) but this @accessibilitylabel text is not updated.

Re: "Update" accessibilitylabel value

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 7:25 am
by odklizec

Unfortunately, without seeing the app under test or, at very least, Ranorex snapshot, and exact actions leading to incorrect result, there is not much anyone here can do or suggest.

Generally speaking, I would suggest to set “Use cache” for given repo element (and/or its parent folders) to False. This could help with potential content refresh issues?

Re: "Update" accessibilitylabel value

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 5:55 am
by SanMan
Hi odklizec,

thank you for your answer.

Yes, I have set "Use cache" for this repo without success.

To reproduce this problem, user must login to system to get this status tittle text. I think I need to contact support team and generate access to them to reproduce this problem.