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Break after first object found

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 2:49 pm
by nikob

i was wondering if there was a functionality (best case szenario to set as an attribute in any adapters RXPath) to stop searching after Ranorex found at least one object to match the Path.
Im using ranorex 6.1 and am surprised as i have not yet found anything about this even after excessive research on this topic.

Greetings Niko

Re: Break after first object found

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:46 am
by odklizec

Maybe I misunderstand something, but Ranorex works exactly like you described? Ranorex stops searching for an element (with given xpath) once the searched xpath exists. Eventually, it fails if the xpath is not found during defined timeout. Could you please describe your problem in more details?