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Does Ranorex support "Xtreme Toolkit" objects from codejock?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:06 pm
by bewoboe
The GUI I want to test is designed in MFC with some objects created with Xtreme Toolkit from codejock.

It seems the Xtreme Toolkit objects can't be handeled properly by ranorex.
Different tabs are each recognized as "Container#32770" and can not be accessed by tab name because it's not recorded by ranorex.
(The access via coordinates is insufficient, because these objects are build dynamically with changed size.)

In a combobox with two buttons (one opens the list, one a context menu) the buttons aren't recognized at all.

Can Ranorex cope with Xtreme Toolkit elements?

Re: Does Ranorex support "Xtreme Toolkit" objects from codejock?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:11 pm
by atom

Im my experience with MFC controls, you have two options:

1. Get back to the control vendor and ask them to add MSAA/UIAutomation support
2. Spend alot of time writing some helper class yourself that does some tricks to workaround control issues


Re: Does Ranorex support "Xtreme Toolkit" objects from codejock?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:09 pm
by bewoboe
Hello Atom,

thanks for the hint.
I'll try No. 1) - let's see what the vendor thinks about it.


Re: Does Ranorex support "Xtreme Toolkit" objects from codejock?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:15 pm
by atom
The other option, is to create a new control inheriting from the one you can't automate
Then add MSAA/UIAutomation on your new control
Ranorex have a nice blog page about that !

Downside is : you will have to re-write your AUT to use the new control !