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Different saerch time of WebElement in a loop

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:05 am
by Gismox
I've a problem with long search time of web element using RxPath after several repeats in a loop. Searching time is dramatically different each time I run the same test. What can I do to make the search time the same every time i run the test in the loop?
I'm wondering why sometimes searching is fast otherwise is slow and after that searching time is again fast .
I'm using Ranorex 3 on Windows XP Pro sp3 and IE7

In real tests run in the loop search time of single element is longer then 15 second othewise 1 second is enough (the same element after few repeats of the loop).

Below is example that uses "Web Testing Example Page".
private static void Test()
        	for (int i=0;i<50;i++)
	        	System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore.exe",  "");
	        	int defTimoOut = WebDocument.DefaultSearchTimeout;
				WebDocument.DefaultSearchTimeout = 60000;
				WebDocument webDocument = "/dom[@caption='Ranorex Test Page']";
				WebDocument.DefaultSearchTimeout = defTimoOut;
				Mouse.DefaultMoveTime = 30;  
	        	Keyboard.DefaultKeyPressTime = 10;  
	        	Delay.SpeedFactor = 1.0;
	        	WebElement tag = null;
	        	bool foundInput;
		    	foundInput = webDocument.TryFindSingle(".//.[@id='testname']", 105000, out tag);
		    	if (foundInput) 
		    	foundInput = webDocument.TryFindSingle(".//.[@id='testcolor']", 105000, out tag);
		    	if (foundInput)
	        		ListItem item; 
		    		Host.Local.TryFindSingle("/container[@caption='selectbox']//listitem[@accessiblename~'^blue']", 105000, out item);
		    		if (item != null) 

Re: Different saerch time of WebElement in a loop

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:20 pm
by Support Team

as mentioned in our mail conversation I would suggest to optimize your RanoreXpaths to improve the permormance of your test scripts.

Support Tea,