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Command line argument for global parameter

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:39 pm
by Christoph

According to the documentation it is possible to start the testsuite with a command line argument that specifies the value of a global parameter:

param|pa:<global parameter name>=<value>
Creates or overrides values for global parameters specied in the test suite.

It appears that from "... for global parameters ..." that it should be possible to supply the values for more than one paramter.

How would I do that?
CanI just use the "/pa:" argument more than once? i.e. "mytestsuite.exe /pa:myGlobalParameter1=SomeValue /pa:myGlobalParameter2=SomeOtherValue" or do I need to supply a list within the /pa: argument?



Re: Command line argument for global parameter

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:35 pm
by darcy
you can use "/pa:" more than once on the same command line ie: "executable.exe /pa:Param1=value /pa:Param2=value"