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Extract files from ranorex app exe file

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:46 pm
by zshadow
Hi ,

Does anyone know of a tool that will extract the contents of the ranorex exe file, have tried the UniversaI Extractor tool, but did'nt extract the files.


Re: Extract files from ranorex app exe file

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:23 pm
by odklizec

What exactly you want to achieve? To restore source files from exe? Ranorex compiled exe is .net based exe. So in a theory, you may try any available .net decompiler. The question is, how useful would be the decompiled result? I don't have any experience with decompiling .net exes, but I'm quite sure you will never get back the original solution structure, especially not recording modules or repository file (if this is what you are after?). This is why it's strongly recommended to use source control system (svn, git, tfs,...). It's the first thing you should setup for any sw development.

Re: Extract files from ranorex app exe file

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:36 pm
by zshadow

The project is under version control but some of the files were'nt commited when the VM crashed. Also how do you include a folder back into project after it was excluded please.


Re: Extract files from ranorex app exe file

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:06 pm
by odklizec
As mentioned before, it's unlikely you will get back recording modules or repository file from decompiled exe. You can only hope for cs files and some other files, which are used by MS build. Recording modules and repository are Ranorex specific files, from which are generated cs files. Once lost, there is no automatic way to restore them from cs files. But it should be possible to use cs files as code modules? But again, it all depends on what you get from decompiler.

As for including folder to project, you should be able to add folders/files either via Ranorex Studio or version control system you use? As for Studio, check this post how to add files to project... ... tml#p31249
The same should be applicable to folders? Hope this helps?