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supplement custom *.rxrep /*.rxrec to my project

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 4:03 am
by marcushe
working Environment:win7 ,ranorex2.02
I want to supplement my own TaskBar.rxrep/TaskBar.rxrec to my project.
1. Create a normal project - temp, which is with generated tempRepository.rxrep,Recording1.rxrec

2. Use RanorexSpy to create my own TaskBar.rxrep , RanrexRecorder to create my own recording. Save them to temp folder

3. Right click project name on project view->Add->Existing Item->Select saved TaskBar.rxrep and TaskBar.rxrec.
No item is added in

4. Right click project name on project view->Add->Newfolder

5. Select new created folder,right click->Add->Existing Item->Select saved taskbar.rxrep and taskbar.rxrec .

Items are supplemented to this folder
6. In recording1.cs ,try to define a new instance of my own repository-taskbarRepository
I can't locate supplemented repository class in list, while repository generated originally with project is here.
Only a taskbar method is here.
i found taskbar contains newrepository and newrepositoryFolders.
No reference in help ,what can they do?
{}TaskBar--- Is this a method ?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:16 pm
by Support Team
If you manually copy a recording/repository to the folder of a project, adding them to the project using the "Add existing item" does not work. Please, use the "Show All Files" button in the Projects view and then right click on the recording/repository and select "Include In Project" instead.

When you added a repository/recording, code completion will show you the (generated) classes/methods/properties defined in those. If you created a recording named "TaskBar", the name of the generated class is by default also "TaskBar" and has a Start method that can be called to start the replay of the recorder actions. The corresponding repository, which contains all the elements needed for the replay, is by default a class named "TaskBarRepository". The structure of the repository class corresponds to the structure displayed by the repository editor, the names of classes and properties change when you change the names in the repository editor.

Ranorex Support Team