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Boundary Value testing

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:44 pm
by sanjibm
dear ranorex team,

I want to use the data driven testing using ranorex suite.
My tescase structure is

1)Open the browser application
2) Set the defaults parameters in the Page
3) Do the boundary value testing for all the fields ( here I will be using the data table where I have listed all possible values, error messages)
4) then I need to do few more other validation on the web page fileds , like in valid characters,Validate acceptable characters
5)Finally close the browser application

Now i am finding problem in step 3 where i do want the test should first verify all the possible boundary values from the table then it should execute the validation steps mentioned in step 4 and 5.

Can you please suggest how can i achieve this?

Re: Boundary Value testing

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:35 am
by Support Team
Hello sanjibm,

I hope that I understood your question correctly.

In order to execute all available data rows before doing the validation steps, you will have to move the steps as mentioned within point 4. and 5. to a separate test case.

For example:
Hope this helps.
