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Ranorex tests are running slowly after upgrading from 5.4.2

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:22 am
by btangonan
I've upgraded from 5.2 to 5.4.2 and I have noticed that my automated tests are running slow or are not running at all because it cannot find the repository items anymore. I first uninstalled 5.2 and installed 5.4.2. Even after re-recording the tests that did not run, after I try to run them again in Ranorex Studio, the time between some of the test steps are 1.5 min and I also noticed that it created new repository items after I re-recorded the test steps. Can anyone help me with this. I've attached the Ranorex logs and also attached a screenshot of one of test case that is taking awhile to run.

Re: Ranorex tests are running slowly after upgrading from 5.4.2

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:03 pm
by odklizec

There were introduced many breaking changes between versions 5.2 and 5.4.3. Have you read the release notes? What kind of technology is your AUT? I'm asking, because there were introduced also some new native plugins (e.g. for WPF or Java SWT), which changed the way some elements are now recognised. This may be a reason why your existing elements are not found and why there are created new elements in repository if you track them again in 5.4.3. So you either have to switch back to old plugins (in settings) or you have to re-record some elements. All this should be described in release notes and user guide. It's critical to pay attention to release notes before upgrading your existing version to latest one. It's especially important if you upgrade from a very old version, like 5.2.

Re: Ranorex tests are running slowly after upgrading from 5.4.2

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:35 pm
by krstcs
As Pavel said, there were many changes made to 5.4.X that break functionality from previous versions.

You should ALWAYS read the release notes before upgrading to make sure that you understand the changes and that they won't impact your testing negatively.

Not sure why you chose to upgrade to an already out-of-date version, 5.4.2 is no longer current as of Oct 20. Current version is 5.4.3. It's usually better to stay as up-to-date as possible.

Re: Ranorex tests are running slowly after upgrading from 5.4.2

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:23 pm
by btangonan
Thank you all for your replies. It was my mistake not to read the release notes. I will look into it to see what has changed and how it is affecting my tests,

Re: Ranorex tests are running slowly after upgrading from 5.4.2

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:32 pm
by btangonan
The AUT is a windows application. Technologies used to create the application is C# and .NET Framework. I'm not sure what plugins needs to be changed/altered so that my windows application will work and be used again for my automated tests. Again, this all occurred when upgrading from 5.2 to 5.4.2.

Re: App get crashed while tap on element in iOS Instrumented app

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:52 pm
by odklizec
If the app is pure .net without 3rd party GUI libs, Ranorex plugins should not be a cause of your problems.

Could you please post an example xpath stored with 5.2 and new xpath (of the same element) tracked with 5.4.2? Also, please post a Ranorex snapshot of the problematic element. Ideally, saved both in 5.2 and 5.4.2. Xpaths and snapshots should provide us with enough data to tell what's wrong or what could be a cause of your problem.

BTW, are you sure the version of the app you tested with 5.2 is exactly the same as you tested with 5.4.2?