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IOSElement.PressKeys crashes if number.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:11 pm
by stapes
I am using .PressKeys to input data into fields that I know are UITextView fields on an IOS application.

It mostly works fine, until I try to enter a number, or a full stop, or an @ character.

This crashes the application.

Here is my code:

Code: Select all

public void MyPressKeys(IosElement io, string MyString)
        	foreach(char c in MyString)
				Report.Info ("Custom Message",c.ToString ());
				io.PressKeys (c.ToString ());

Code: Select all

public void UserCode_decodeTestForm()

        	Ranorex .IosTable  adapter = repo.RichardPullinIPad .EmptyList.As<IosTable>(); // this elementcontains all the required fields
        	int indexOfMyTextFields=0; // add 1 to it each time we encounter one

        	string[] MyData=new string[4] {"John","Smith","07914079871","stephen.staple@staple"};
        	foreach (var e in adapter.Children  )

        		if(e.ToString ()=="{Container:UITableViewWrapperView}") // this contains all my text fields
        			int noOfChildrenIn=e.Children .Count ;
        			if(noOfChildrenIn > 0)
        				foreach (var e2 in e.Children )
        					if(e2.ToString ()=="{Cell:UITableViewCell}")
        						foreach (var e3 in e2.Children )
        								if(e3.ToString ().Contains ("{Text:"))
        									if(e3.Enabled )
        										// THIS IS ONE OF OUR TEXT FIELDS!! 
        										indexOfMyTextFields +=1;

        										Ranorex .IosElement io=e3.As <IosElement >();
        										Report .Info ("Custom Message","Attempting to touch." );
        										io.Touch(); // this worked

        											Report .Info ("Custom Message","Attempting to enter data." + MyData[indexOfMyTextFields-1] );
        											MyPressKeys (io,MyData[indexOfMyTextFields-1]);

        											// this is date field - next problem
The application crashes as soon as I try to type full stop, @, or any number.

It has been suggested this may be something to do with the keyboards that appear on the ipad screen.

Any ideas?

Re: IOSElement.PressKeys crashes if number.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:31 pm
by stapes
Solved my own problem again.

Used Ranorex.IOSElement.Element.SetAttributeValue instead.