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Ranorex ... too fast?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 3:35 pm
by giuseppe.lacagnina
Hi everyone.

I am running:
- Ranorex Studio
- Windows 7 64 bit
- testing HTML applications with IE

Sometimes my test cases fail "randomly": it is like Ranorex is literally "going too fast" and "getting confused": not waiting for actions to be completed and so on. I know this is not clear, but it is bothering me quite a lot and I need a way to figure this out.

What I mean is that when I run the test cases from the Studio, everything is fine; however, when I run directly the compiled executables from the command prompt, the whole test seems to go quite faster. There is often something going wrong, where everything was right when running from the Studio.

Is anyone aware of these issues or is having them himself? I would greatly appreciate any help. Unfortunately I need to automate my tests and cannot run them all from the Studio.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Ranorex ... too fast?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 5:40 pm
by krstcs
I HIGHLY recommend adding WaitFor.Exists() or WaitFor.NotExists() to your tests before each action to make sure that the element is actually there, or that a previous element no longer exists.

Also, you can add " and @state='complete'" to your top-level /dom object like this:

/dom[@domain='' and @state='complete']

This will force Ranorex to ONLY find the web page if the page has loaded fully.

Re: Ranorex ... too fast?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:23 am
by giuseppe.lacagnina
I am using the wait functions already, but the tip to check for the complete status sounds very good. I will definitely try it. Thanks!!!

Re: Ranorex ... too fast?

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:47 pm
by Aracknid
Yes, I have issues with speed. But That's a good thing. I'd rather it was fast and I have to write better (smarter) code to handle this, than it was too slow. :D

Mostly I test in IE, but I've run into this even more when I started testing on FireFox and then Chrome. Chrome seems to be much faster and I had to add more checks for UI elements to be visible or simply add delays of a second or 2 just to slow it down in certain functions I wrote.
