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Clipboard copied Test Case description is lost without first editing/deleting character

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:29 pm
by Stub
I mentioned in another buglette report that I was restructuring my test project, and that I was finding that the Description text for a Test Case or Smart Folder was being lost if you aren't careful. I've had to spend a lot of time today restoring umpteen lost test Descriptions so I've also noticed that copying a Description from one Smart Folder/Test Case to another is unreliable. I've reproduced it in a basic new project in Ranorex v8.2.
  • Create a new Ranorex Project.
    Edit the Description for the default "TestCase" that gets added to the new Test Suite - add a word or two, then press OK to save the change.
    Add a new Test Case "Test2" to the Test Suite. This won't have a Description on it yet.
    2x-click the Description the first "TestCase" to get to the General tab.
    Select the text in the Description edit box and copy to the Clipboard. I just use Ctrl-C for this.
    Close the "TestCase properties" dialog.
    Now 2x-click the Description of "Test2".
    On the General tab paste the copied text into the Description field - I used Ctrl-V for this operation.
    Press OK and note that the pasted text does not appear in the Test Suite.
    If you re-open "Test2 properties" the Description has vanished.
    But if you paste in the copied text and press Backspace the once, it'll work fine.
Not a huge problem, just a bit annoying when I've had to repeat this process a lot today!!!

Re: Clipboard copied Test Case description is lost without first editing/deleting character

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:45 pm
by Support Team
Hi Stub,

Thank you for reporting this issue!

While the test case description disappearing issue was known, I believe you are the first to report this specific behavior. It looks like just pasting the text isn't triggering the event handler letting the field know the value has changed as the apply button remains disabled. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

I have added this issue to our internal bug tracking so that it may be analyzed. As usual please keep an eye on the release notes for all subsequent releases of Ranorex:

I hope this helps!



Re: Clipboard copied Test Case description is lost without first editing/deleting character

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:14 pm
by Stub
Saw this noted as fixed in Ranorex v8.2.1. Looks good here. Thanks!