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5.4.0: Run doesn't start after success (re)build

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:42 am
by rka
Hi Ranorexians,

since we changed to v5.4.0, we have problems starting a test run for recordings.

These are the steps that sometimes throw errors:
- create recording
- run recording (works)
- change a variable value
- run recording (doesn't work, we get the errors in the screenshots)
sometimes followed by this:
We used v5.1.1 before and hadn't these problems. Now it's sometimes really hard to start a test. Even restarting Ranorex doesn't help, but we cannot even tell, when this error occurs, and when not. Sometimes rebuilding helps, even if the error doesn't affect this.

System is running on a Windows XP machine.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Kind Regards,

Re: 5.4.0: Run doesn't start after success (re)build

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:06 am
by odklizec

What service pack is installed on our Windows XP? Ranorex 5.4 is installed with .Net 4.0, which I believe requires at minimum Windows XP SP3? So make sure your XP is updated with the latest service pack and hotfixes!

BTW, what target framework are you using in your project? You should still be able to set the Target Framework to .Net 3.5. However, from Ranorex 5.4 release notes it seems that .Net 4.0 will be required by next major version?

Anyway, I think using WinXP for development/testing is not a very good idea anyway. Seriously, it's over 13 years old system, which is no longer supported even by MS! So I'm afraid, you can't expect any support or guarantee of stable environment from Ranorex either ;)

Re: 5.4.0: Run doesn't start after success (re)build

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:17 pm
by rka
SP3 is installed and the following framework packs:
.NET 2.0 SP2
.NET 3.0 SP2
.NET 3.5 SP1
.NET 4.0 Client Profile
.NET 4.0 Extended

When I started the Ranorex setup, it wanted to download the .NET 4.0 itself, so this one is installed I guess.

You are right by saying that WinXP isn't a good idea to be used, but that's customer related :(

Re: 5.4.0: Run doesn't start after success (re)build

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:32 pm
by odklizec

Try to check this post with possible solution of your problem...

If the "console application" is really the cause of the issue, you may also try to compile your test as a Windows Application instead of Console Application (default configuration)...
Hope this helps?