Working with a powershell script for data parameterization

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Working with a powershell script for data parameterization

Post by stevelink » Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:09 pm

Greetings! We are using Ranorex Studio 5.2 with excel to data-drive our applications. However, we now need to "convert" a powershell "text" file with data in a "sequential record by row" format (-FirstName Danny -LastName Smith -Address 3882 W Congress St -City Mobile -State AL) into data columns, for our excel spreadsheet module variable binding. Is there an easy (quick) way to format a PowerShell script text file into "excel-friendly" columns automatically? (Otherwise, we're doing this "manually", which is quite time-intensive.) Thank you, and Happy Holidays!

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Re: Working with a powershell script for data parameterization

Post by krstcs » Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:36 pm

You could create another powershell script that reads the first one and puts it in comma-separated-value format, which excel will read.

You would need to loop through the current file's lines and setup the CSV table with headers for the columns.
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Re: Working with a powershell script for data parameterization

Post by stevelink » Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:51 pm

Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your thoughts on creating a new powershell script, but as I don't have powershell installed, nor am I am developer, I found a fairly quick method of "manually" copy/pasting the test data into my existing excel data connector, which seems to work for our purposes.