Holistic Testing in DevOps: What Managers Need to Know

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As teams transitioned to using agile development principles and practices, many struggled with how testing could “keep up” with frequent production deploys – quarterly, monthly, or even weekly. Now many teams are moving towards continuous delivery, deploying to production multiple times a week or even multiple times a day. How can a dev team possibly keep up with testing activities so that they have confidence to release changes so often?

A collaborative DevOps approach to building infrastructure to support continuous delivery and the ability to monitor and observe production use helps, of course. But not everyone is familiar with the terminology, or recognizes that testing is at the core of DevOps and continuous delivery/deployment.

Janet Gregory, co-author of the popular “Agile Testing” series, will describe the testing activities that are involved in DevOps, and how testers can contribute to successful continuous delivery and continuous deployment. She will share techniques that can help teams embrace a DevOps culture, and explain how testers can help build bridges between “Dev”, “Ops” and the business stakeholders. You’ll learn practical solutions for placing “test” at the center of DevOps.

Key Takeaways:

  • The proper role of the tester in DevOps
  • How existing testers/groups can transition effectively
  • A set of potential techniques to reduce risk in DevOps
  • Guidelines for choosing the high value options for your organization
  • The practical applications of “shift left” vs. “shift right”
  • Quick techniques to shift right — starting tomorrow

The recorded presentation is approximately 45 minutes long followed by Q&A with Janet and the Ranorex team.


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