Principles of Testable Requirements
A testable requirement describes a single function or behavior of an application in a way that makes it possible to develop tests to determine whether the requirement has been met. To be testable, a requirement must be clear, measurable, and complete, without any ambiguity.
For example, assume that you are planning to test a web shopping application. You are presented with the following requirement: “Easy-to-use search for available inventory.” Testing this requirement as written requires assumptions about what is meant by ambiguous terms such as “easy-to-use” and “available inventory.” To make requirements more testable, clarify ambiguous wording such as “fast,” “intuitive” or “user-friendly.”
Requirements shouldn’t contain implementation details such as “the search box will be located in the top right corner of the screen,” but otherwise should be measurable and complete. Consider the following example for a web shopping platform:
“When at least one matching item is found, display up to 20 matching inventory items, in a grid or list and using the sort order according to the user preference settings.”
This requirement provides details that lead to the creation of tests for boundary cases, such as no matching items, 1 or 2 matching items, and 19, 20 and 21 matching items. However, this requirement describes more than one function. It would be better practice to separate it into three separate requirements, as shown below:
- When at least one matching item is found, display up to 20 matching inventory items
- Display search results in a grid or list according to the user preference settings
- Display search results in the sort order according to the user preference settings
The principle of one function per requirement increases agility. In theory, it would be possible to release the search function itself in one sprint, with the addition of the ability to choose a grid/list display or a sort order in subsequent sprints.
Testable requirements should not include the following:
- Text that is irrelevant. Just as you can’t judge a book by the number of words, length by itself is not a sign of a testable requirement. Remove anything that doesn’t add to your understanding of the requirement.
- A description of the problem rather than the function that solves it.
- Implementation details. For implementation details such as font size, color, and placement, consider creating a set of standards that apply to the entire project rather than repeating the standards in each individual requirement.
- Ambiguity. Specifications should be specific. Avoid subjective terms that can’t be measured, such as “usually.” Replace these with objective, measurable terms such as “80%.”
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Approaches to Requirements
There are a variety of approaches to writing requirements: from traditional requirements documents to more agile approaches such as user stories, test-driven development (TDD), acceptance test-driven development (ATDD), and behavior-driven development(BDD). These approaches all benefit from following principles for testable requirements.
User stories
As the name implies, writing requirements as user stories puts the focus on the user or customer. By themselves, requirements expressed as user stories don’t have enough information to be testable. User stories should include acceptance criteria so that the team can know when the story is “done.” Read more about user stories at the Agile Alliance website.
Test-driven development (TDD)
This approach is sometimes called developer testing, both because this testing is performed by developers, but also due to where the testing occurs in the development cycle. However, testers have a valuable role to play in TDD. Testers can work with developers to create better unit tests, applying techniques such as boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning, and risk analysis; and help ensure that necessary integration and workflow testing occurs. TDD tests are typically written in a tool such as Junit or VBUnit, and form an important part of the documentation of the application. Read more about TDD at the Agile Alliance website.
Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD)
The workflow in ATDD is similar to TDD: first, the user story is written, followed by the acceptance test. Then the user story is implemented, and the team repeats the acceptance test to confirm that it passes. Finally, any needed refactoring is done. It is possible for a team to practice both TDD and ATDD at the same time. For recommendations on writing good acceptance tests, refer to the article The ABCs of Acceptance Test Design by author Jeff Langr.
Behavior-driven development (BDD)
BDD scenarios are written in using the GIVEN-WHEN-THEN syntax, as shown in the example below.
Feature: Search Results Display
As a customer searching for a product
I want to choose whether to see the list of
available products in a list or in a grid
So that I can compare the available products.
Scenario 1
Given: I perform a search for an inventory item
And: There are at least two items returned by my search
When: My preferences are set to list display
Then: I see a list of the items returned by my search
Scenario 2
Given: I perform a search for an inventory item
And: There are at least two items returned by my search
When: My preferences are set to grid display
Then: I see a grid of the items returned by my search
Scenario 3
Given: I perform a search for an inventory item
And: There are no items returned by my search
When: My preferences are set to list display
Then: I see a list of suggested alternatives
Tools for Testable Requirements
No special tools are necessary to create testable requirements. They can be documented in word processing files or even note cards. But tools can make the process more efficient. ATDD tests may be captured and automated using a tool such as FitNesse. For BDD there are also a variety of language-specific tools to write requirements in the Gherkin GIVEN-WHEN-THEN syntax and prepare them for automation, including the following:
- Cucumber for Ruby
- Jbehave for Java
- SpecFlow for C#
- Jasmine for JavaScript
Ranorex Studio’s robust tools and open API support all testing approaches, including TDD, ATTD, and BDD. To see how Ranorex Studio integrates with SpecFlow to automate BDD scenarios, read the article How to Use Ranorex Studio in Your BDD Process on the Ranorex blog.
Dozens of books have been published on the topic of writing effective software requirements, and this article presents just a brief overview of strategies for ensuring that your requirements are testable. But the most important strategy is to ensure that testers and user representatives are included early in the process of requirements definition. While testable requirements make it easier to automate your tests, the key goal is to ensure that the entire team shares a clear understanding of the requirements.
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